International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 64-72
The Effect of Teacher's Motivation on Academic Performance of Students in Kole District a Case Study of Alito Sub-County Download PDF
Turyatunga Micheal , Kaziro Nicholas, Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara , Kobusingye prudence , Kamugisha Nelson, Friday Christopher

The study examined the effect of teacher's motivation on academic performance of students with a case study of Alito sub-county, Kole district which is located in the northern part of Uganda. The researcher focused on three clearly defined objectives: to establish whether teacher job satisfaction in U.C.E. schools was linked to the level of academic performance of U.C.E. students in Alito sub-county; to identify the variables that contribute to teacher demotivation; and to evaluate how these factors eventually impact student performance in UCE schools in Alito sub-county. t. After evaluating primary data, the linear model was utilized for estimation. Dummy variables were used, which are variables produced from other variables that have the same meaning by assuming attributes like the 1, 2, and 3 properties. To ensure that the distribution of the original information was normal, the kurtosis was used in a descriptive analysis (K). Rewrite and rewrite your content as soon as possible! These included a measure of variability as well as measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) (standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis). Since there was assuming of attributes, stationarity checks were performed using unit root tests as a pretest for primary data. If the data are serial correlation, a long- and short-term relationship between the variables was constructed for the goal of suggesting policy in the Ugandan district of Kole. Furthermore, multicollinearity tests, heteroscedastic tests, and auto correlation tests were used to ensure the stability of the model over education researchers and job satisfaction that have faced the challenge of demotivating teachers to high levels of performance while at the same time showing a correlation among both job satisfaction and teacher performance and thus an insignificant relationship between teacher demotivation and academic performance since the The null hypothesis is accepted because the P-value (0.075) at the 95% confidence level is higher than 0.05. Sociologists claim that the existing educational environment is unsatisfying for professional work and sometimes seems to work against teachers' best intentions to advance their careers and enhance student learning (Peterson 1995). A substantial percentage of a teacher's job is completed in a self-contained classroom, cutting them off from the assistance of their colleagues. A convenience sampling technique was used to select a sample of 160 respondents for the study that used a cross-sectional survey research design. Self-administered questionnaires were the primary techniques and instruments employed in the inquiry to collect data. In order to analyze the field data, the study used STATA, SPSS software, and Excel. And after policy recommendations made, educators are aware that reformers of education may establish new schools, effect changes in structures and curriculum design, recommend and prescribe different teaching methods and instructional learning aids, at the end, the teacher will be solely responsible for applying them. The study generally aimed to assess the weather job satisfaction of teachers in U.C.E schools influences the level of academic performance of U.C.E Students in Alito sub-county and also to establish the causes of teacher demotivation that eventually retards the general performance of Students in UCE schools Alito Sub-county.