International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 88-97
The Impact of Climate Change in Africa: It's Effects on Migration and Refugee Download PDF
Samson Akpati Nzeribe , Akuro Diepriye , Lucius C. Ekechukwu

This research examines the effects of climate change on Migration and Refugee in Africa. The objectives of the research were to use the best evidence to link the impact of climate change to migration and refugee crises in Africa, to identify the response and challenges in combating climate change in Africa, by political actors, and to show how climate change can serve as a catalyst to political conflict in Africa if not addressed. The Research adopted the use of theories to meet the purpose of the study. The research findings revealed that lack of political will to combat the effect of climate change in Africa has exposed the continent to series of conflicts resulting to migration and refugee crises. The economic impact of climate change coupled with its negative impact on food and water security may also drive increased levels of migration, and with it comes the certainty of conflict. The impacts of climate change may also wane some states to the point that they can no longer provide basic services demanded by its population, leading to a loss of legitimacy and potentially the rise of rebellion. Policies should be strengthened to respond to unplanned migration, Government at all levels should as a matter of urgency implement international treaties on environment which most African states are signatory to, so that some of the effects of climate change can be averted, African governments should ensure the sustainable usage of natural resources which are endowed in Africa so that future of the continent can be guaranteed.