International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 98-98
Factors Affecting the Academic Performances of Bachelor of Elementary Education via Flexible Learning Download PDF
Calaje, Jodelyn; Cabrera, Regina; Dela Cruz, Christel Joy; Dioquino, Princess; Sarceno, Jasell

The worldwide education systems are crippled, inevitably leading to the near-total closure of school establishments, from early childhood educations, High schools, and colleges as well as universities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of May 2021, approximately 1.2 billion students from all over the world were affected. As a result, education essentials dramatically adjust with the distinctive rise of e-learning tools, wherein teaching is now undertaken remotely on digital platforms. Realizing the grave current situation and the importance of education, this study aims to understand the factors affecting student academic performance via flexible learning. The data were collected from 75 respondents via online surveys, which comprises the First-Third year elementary education students of Gordon College. The personal factor, home related factor, study habit, lecturer factor, technological factor and internet connection factor have been considered and their effects on the academic success of students have been analyzed. The analysis of the findings shows that the internet connection and technological factors affects student academic performance in flexible learning. In terms of academic performance, the findings revealed that personal, study habit, home related, school related and lecturer are insignificant factors.