International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 112-126
Impact of Budgeting On the Profitability of a Manufacturing Company, a Case Study of Harris International Download PDF
Nakayiki Annet, Ngiri Andrew, Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara, Friday Christopher, Ntiradekura Moses, Turyatunga Micheal

In the locally founded Harris International in Uganda, this study looked at the relationship between budgeting and budgetary management as independent variables and financial success as a dependent variable. It specifically looked at the relationships between budgeting, budgetary management, and organizational financial performance as well as the impact of donor policy on those relationships. Due to requirement to gather both quantitative and qualitative data, it used both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The survey included 15 humanitarian organizations that were specifically chosen from the Kampala district. 67 participants were deliberately chosen for the sample size out of a total of 210 stakeholders. Quantitative data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, and correlations, whereas qualitative analysis involved distilling data into insightful themes. Budgetary control and organizational financial achievement were found to have statistically significant positive relationships (r =.737 and.660, respectively), as were budgetary control and organization's financial performance. After donor policy was in place, these correlations' strengths decreased to 0.710 and 0.612, respectively. It was concluded that donor policy compromises the contribution of budgeting and budgetary control on Organizations' financial performance. Thus, it is recommended that organizational should diversify their revenue sources to reduce their dependence on donor funding and also improve their budgeting and budgetary control systems.