International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 1-9
Impact of Broadcasting Media in Fighting Against Child Abuse a Case Study of NTV Uganda Download PDF
Babirye Mercy, Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara, Asiimwe Isaac Kazaara, Lukwago Ismail, Friday Christopher

The study's goal was to examine how broadcast media impacted the fight against child abuse. Following the release of material into the world, children are now receiving more assistance in obtaining their rights. It is a tool that positively educates kids about their rights. Platforms for broadcast media have developed into a hub for conversation, idea exchange, and interaction. When it comes to their rights, youth, especially children, have benefited much from these media. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate how Uganda's broadcast media has campaigned against child abuse. The purpose of the study was to determine broadcast media's contribution to the fight against child abuse. According to the literature, children's use of broadcast media in the achievement of their rights is crucial. Also, it was proven by the research that children's emotional and physical growth is influenced by broadcast media. It was also proved by the literature that parents and guardians learn about the risks of abusing children through broadcast media. It is recommended that broadcast media share more information about the hazards of child abuse and that parents and kids should glean more helpful information from the media. It is also recommended that broadcasting media should motivate children who are victims in abusing so as to help them grow physically, socially and emotionally. As children are stopped being abused, parents, guardians or care takers should stop practicing this act.