International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 10-16
The Effect Of Weather Changing Pattern On Farming Activities In Uganda, A Case Study Of Bulamagi Sub County, Iganga DISTRICT Download PDF
Alitubera Phiona, Dr Arinaitwe Julius, Magala Muhammed

This phenomenological study sought to investigate the impact of Uganda's shifting climate on agricultural activities, specifically in Bulamagi Sub County and Iganga District. The study focused on identifying the Bulamagi sub county's residents' techniques for coping with climate change, as well as the factors that influence global warming and how hot temperatures affect farming operations. The study used a sample of participants in the Bulamagi sub county Iganga district and conducted a qualitative and quantitative survey analysis. According to the study, smallholder farmers in Bulamagi adopted practices for adapting to climate change, such as moving gardens from lowland to highland during droughts, using crop varieties that are drought tolerant and mature early, altering planting dates or starting early in anticipation of the downpours, tree planting, and more. The relationship between the cause of global warming and its patterns is weakly correlated, as indicated by the correlation coefficient of 0.456. Since the P value (0.324) is greater than 0.05 level of significance, this is statistically negligible at 95% confidence interval. As a result, we accept the null hypothesis and come to the conclusion that the factors influencing environmental issues have no discernible impact on the trends of climate change. This study suggests that women-headed households should be deliberately and selectively encouraged to plant crops on time because it is a less expensive technique and easier to adopt than using crop varieties that have been acquired. Improved early warning systems would make it easier for farmers to embrace the technique because they could be better prepared.