International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 198-205
Factors Associated With Potato Yields' Variations In South Western Of Uganda. Case Study: Kanungu and Kisoro Districts Download PDF
Mutoni Grace, Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara, Asiimwe Isaac Kazaara

With the help of secondary data, the study investigates the variables linked to variability in potato yields in south-western Uganda. The study's two main goals were to identify the elements most strongly influencing potato yields in located in the southwestern Uganda and to determine the connection between land-related factors and potato yields in that region. To ensure that the results would be linear, objective, and trustworthy, Stata was used to clean the data and perform further tests. Box plots were utilized to determine the yield dispersion between Kisoro and Kanungu, and adjustment was employed to examine the relationship between land-related parameters. Likewise, certain graphs were used to determine the status of categorical variables. Scatter plots were used to show the link between yields and the ground parameters (farmers' knowledge, land area for potato plots, number of cattle, farming experience, field location, and land ownership). According to the survey, there were four times as many potato producers with livestock as there were without it. The foot slope of the field is where the majority of potato farmers plant their crops, followed by the intermediate slope and the higher slope.