International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 221-231
The Organizational Factors Affecting Employee Performance in Non-Governmental Organizations in Uganda. A Case Study of the Uganda Women Parliamentary Association Download PDF
Nakimbugwe Musaibah, Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara, Asiimwe Isaac Kazaara, Tukamuhebwa Deus, Nankunda Ruth

In Uganda, the effect of quasi institutions on productivity growth was the subject of this study. The Uganda Women Parliamentary Organization is used as a case study. The specific goals of the study were to determine how leadership styles at the Uganda Women Parliamentary Association affected employee productivity, investigate how organizational cultural issues there affected job performance, and look into how management chart there affected employee performance. The study mainly focused on numerical data. Also, it was shown that respondents were adamant that leadership should give workers enjoyable jobs in order to increase workers ' productivity since employee participation increases employee trust. The study suggests that UWOPA should maintain and develop its mediation analyses, which have been demonstrated to motivate employees to give their all. Also, it is suggested that UWOPA reiterate the beliefs of the current organizations, particularly those that enhance worker productivity through practices like staff training, induction, and engagement. Together with these actions, UWOPA should expand funding for teaching and skills acquisition.