International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 344-351
Influence Of Mushrooming Media On Journalism Ethics In Uganda A Case Study Of Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) Download PDF
Kemigisa Shakilah, Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara

This study examines the difficulties facing independent journalism as a new form of media in Uganda. Also, it attempted to identify the elements that contributed to participatory journalism's expansion and rising notoriety. For the purposes of this study, communication was restricted to blogging. Blogs have developed into a platform for the exchange of concepts, information, suggestions, and analysis of various social developments. The survey questionnaire served as the study's compass: What difficulties has news reporting brought the Ugandan media landscape? How does UBC respond to the difficulties presented by Ugandan citizen journalism? (iii) What factors influence citizen journalism practice in Uganda? Descriptive surveys and cross-sectional techniques were used to accomplish these goals. When asked if the dynamic nature of news media has increased the popularity and accessibility of online journalistic integrity, 47 respondents, or 62.7%, rated the declaration as very true. This was decided to follow by 20 participants, or 26.7%, who regarded it as true, seven responses were received, or 9.3%, who regarded it as slightly true, and one person in question, or 1.3%, who regarded it as not true. As the median was 3.51, it is obvious that the dynamic nature of mainstream press has indeed increased the accessibility and popularity of citizen journalism. Also, this study has shown that corporate and citizen reporters frequently collaborate. For the profession of professional journalism, this collaboration offers many advantages.