International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 372-377
The Impact Of Government Regulations On The Media Performance In Uganda. A Case Study Of Nbs Television Download PDF
Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara, Asiimwe Isaac Kazaara, Lukwago Ismail

The study was done to identify the actual involvement of media in the policy making process in Uganda. It was motivated by the need to assess the efficiency of Uganda's media strategy procedure, gauge raising attention of government media legislation, and determine the role of the media in the process. The research utilized a descriptive design and 150 participants who were carefully chosen from the original study target market as a sample. The major findings of the study were that, most of the regulations were compatible to satisfy diverse goals but the policies had a symbolic value and lack funds for implementation, the awareness level was low among the respondents, it was also found out that the contribution of the media in policy making process was low. Based on the research, it was advised that the government educate the public about the value of taking part in governance and that media owners ought to boost the time they spend discussing it in their shows. Government should provide advantages to those media proprietors who are making a commitment to the policy-making procedure. Government shouldn't meddle too much in the media's operations.