International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 46-48
Innovative Approaches on How Administrators and Lecturers Can Advocate for Mental Health in Universities in The Post Covid-19 Era: A review Download PDF
Kanyana Ruth,Nantongo Mary, Kibirige David , Dr. Tolley Maria Sonia, Dr. Mugisha Edward, Kobusingye Esther, Kankulanga Jesca

The goal of this paper is to look at some of the key issues that exist at the intersection of students' mental health status and the various roles that administrators can play in advocating for mental health in the university and lecturer room setting. University administration and lecturers work with students from various cultural, religious, and societal backgrounds, and their attitudes and mindsets are shaped by their life experiences. In this paper, we examine the need for administrators to assist these students in adjusting to their new environment and succeeding academically. This review has discussed the various activities that should be undertaken during the course of the study to improve the mental health of students, administrators, and lecturers.