International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 107-117
Effect of Covid-19 Lockdown on Household Income in Uganda A Case Study of Kitoro Parish, Entebbe Municipality Download PDF
Otwari Dominic Oromo, Dr Arinaitwe Julius, Kamugisha Nelson

The study investigated how the lockdown affected Ugandan residents' capacity to pay their bills using Kitoro Parish in Entebbe as a case study. The study was designed to answer three questions: what effect the work stoppage had on food security; what effect the lockdown had on the labour force participation of family heads; and what effect the shutdown had on preferred health service providers. A selection of the population sample was used in the study, which used a bridge research approach. Of this survey respondents, 66.67% were men and 33.33% were women. The original study objective research results using a Probit model showed that each and every meal a family was able to purchase during the clampdown was moving that residence away from the undesirable welfare of the general society by 0.06 times; similarly, cutting a family's head of typical household salary and leaving it alone were both moving that family toward the undesirable welfare of the broader society by orders of magnitude of 1.99 and 1.90, respectively. Despite the likelihood of the F-Statistic (0.05) being less than the 0.05 cutoff, the Probit model essentially demonstrated that the fit was statistically relevant. According to the research, authorities should establish national food palaces, and individuals can improve their own food security by pursuing practical training, which is what this article is aiming to do by reducing the likelihood that they will lose their jobs. Last but not least, the government should provide all infrastructure needed in public hospitals because this is where less fortunate individuals who are affected by situations like the clampdown may access healthcare.