International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 155-163
On Job Training and Its Implication on Staff Performance in Uganda: A Case Study of Kasanda District Local Government Download PDF
Turyatunga Moses

The Kasanda town council, which is part of the Kasanda district municipality, was the primary target of the study, which concentrated primarily on examining the consequences caused by hands-on instruction and its implications on staff effectiveness. The study was influenced by the study's goals, inquiries as well as suitable techniques that produced credible and reliable the results that were very important to administration and nonprofit organizations as a guide in the representation and development of initiatives and initiatives geared toward improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the the employees through promoting a number of instruction and workshops. According to the results, when questioned whether or not personnel typically leave the company for educational opportunities at Kasanda town council government offices, 4 (5.1%) of those who responded severely disagreed, 5 (6.4%) disapproved, 61 (78.2%) agreed, and 8 (10.3%) strongly agreed. The study suggests that the leadership team at Kasanda Town Council Local Government implement the following techniques to improve staff productivity through strategies for classroom instruction. These suggestions are also provided in light of the study's unique goals.