International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 170-175
Examining The Relationship Between Poverty And Early Marriages Among School Going Girls - A Case Study Of Kimanya Sub County Download PDF
Ssegawa Vincent, Magara Peter

The study aimed at examining the relationship between poverty and early marriages among school going girls with a case study of kimanya sub county and it was guided by the following objectives; To assess the different causes of early marriages' in communities, to identify ways how early marriages', affect girl Child education and to identify ways how early marriages' can be abolished in communities. Following some of the participants who updated the investigator that poverty and a lack of possibilities was also a contributing factor contributing to early marriage within secondary schools, the results of the study showed that 35% of the pupils clearly stated that adolescent pregnancies was their primary cause of early the course of pregnancy. Nevertheless, 14% of the participants additionally advised the investigator that customary procedures were additionally regarded as one of the factors that led to marriages that occurred early, and 8% urged the investigators to take action. The researcher also recommended the parents to always send their children back to school whenever they get involved in early marriages.