International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 1-5
Analysis of the Customer Satisfaction Index for Services and Determining Service Indicator Priorities Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process at the Surabaya District Court Download PDF
Nurul Nur Azizah, Ardi Kurniawan, Sediono

Court service is one of the public services needed by the community. Public services at the courts are often complained by the public regarding unsatisfactory services. One of the efforts that must be made is to conduct a Community Satisfaction Survey on court service users with the aim of measuring community satisfaction as service users and improving the quality of public service delivery in the Courts. This study aims to analyze the satisfaction of the community using court services and analyze the order of priority service indicators for the Surabaya District Court using the Customer Satisfaction Index, Importance Performance Analysis, and Analytical Hierarchy Process methods. Based on filling out the questionnaire by 130 respondents, a CSI value of 87.5292% was obtained, which means that the public who use court services are very satisfied with the service. Furthermore, based on the results of the IPA analysis, it was found that 4 service attributes were a top priority and needed to be improved. Based on the results of AHP analysis with a sample of 5 respondents, it shows that the priority order of service indicators based on dimensions is the reliability dimension.