International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 40-40
Development and Validation of Contextualized Intervention Material in Teaching Junior High School Physics Download PDF

The problems and challenges encountered by teachers in teaching Science and the low performance of students in some competency in Physics urged this study to develop and validate contextualized intervention material in Physics Grade 9 Science. These will serve as remediation tool in aiding teachers to address least learned competency or competencies in teaching junior high school Science. The fourth quarter summative assessment conducted in school year 2021-2022 among 141 grade 9 students in Jacinto D. Malimas Sr. National High School revealed that the learning competency "describe horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile " is the determined least learned competency for the fourth quarter and the bases of the development and validation on the contextualized intervention material. The three experts from the field of Science validated the material in the terms of content, readability, usability and level of contextualization using the criteria adopted from the SIM making contest stipulated in DepEd Memorandum No. 225, s. 2009. Moreover, the prospective student-users validated the material in terms of readability and usability using the criteria adopted from DepEd Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and Evaluation (2009). Both have validation scale in numerical and descriptive rating in four-point range. The results of the validation through the derivation of the weighted mean of each item with its equivalent mean interpretation showed that the developed contextualized intervention material gained an over-all descriptive rating of "excellent" in terms of content, readability, usability and level of contextualization and these material is recommended to be used in remediating students who performed low in the said learning competency.\