International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 45-53
SEA TOLL IN THE BALI BENOA PORT AREA Perspective of Tri Hita Karana and Sad Kertih Download PDF
I Nyoman Sutedja; I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana; I Wayan Wastawa

The Port of Benoa is very strategic to be used as a Sea Transportation route because it is located between two continents, namely the Asian Continent and the Australian Continent and two Oceans, namely the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This Sea Transportation will be able to improve the welfare of the people in the Denpasar Benoa Port Area which will have an impact on economic development, tourism, national and international trade and so on. This work descriptively describes the utilization of the Benoa Bali Sea Transportation. The existence of the Bali Benoa Sea Toll Road has several implications such as religious, economic, socio-cultural and environmental implications. Religious implications can be explained that there is a belief by port managers that the sea area according to Hinduism is controlled by God Baruna, therefore the port manager built a Segara temple which is used as a place of worship for Dewa Baruna as a place to pray so that the Sea Transportation area is safe from all kinds of obstacles. Socio-culturally, the utilization of the Sea Transportation in its management is inseparable from Sad Kerthi's teachings to maintain the balance of nature and humans which is based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. With regard to the environment, the use of the Sea Transportation is very concerned about environmental sustainability such as protecting and maintaining mangrove forests, ensuring that there is no seawater and environmental pollution, and that there is no air pollution. Utilization of this Sea Transportation can support the quality of life of the people in the Benoa Harbor area.