International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 54-57
Linguistic Discrimination: Theoretical Framework Download PDF
Abdul Awal

This article offers a deep dive into linguistic discrimination through a comprehensive theoretical lens, bridging sociolinguistics, anthropology, and sociology. Rooted in historical, social, and cultural narratives, linguistic discrimination is more than just a bias; it epitomizes prevailing power dynamics and societal hierarchies. The piece traces the historical role of linguistic biases in colonization and political control while shedding light on sociolinguistic aspects of language prestige and stigma. Through an anthropological perspective, it emphasizes the integral role of language in cultural identity, highlighting the adverse impacts of discrimination on communities. Additionally, a sociological lens reveals the systemic repercussions of such discrimination, from limited resources and opportunities to the internalization of harmful stereotypes. Ultimately, the article aims to present a nuanced understanding of linguistic discrimination, fostering insights for promoting linguistic equity.