International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 39-42
Effectiveness of Enrichment Classes to the Academic Performance in English Download PDF

The Covid-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges in the education sector, especially for young students. Over two academic years, teachers faced difficulties in delivering classes, and students struggled to adapt to new modalities of learning. The pandemic caught the world and educational systems unprepared, leading to a widening gap in learning. While some resorted to online modalities, it became evident that a one-size-fits-all approach was insufficient as each student is unique. In response to this learning crisis, DO no. 25s 2022 proposed enrichment classes in subjects like math, science, and language to help students regain lost ground due to the pandemic. These classes aim to provide targeted and intensive instruction to address specific learning challenges while keeping students engaged in learning activities. However, the effectiveness of these enrichment classes will depend on factors such as the quality of instruction, student engagement, and their ability to address individual needs. It is crucial to remember that enrichment classes should not solely address learning loss; the broader impact of the pandemic on students' social, emotional, and economic well-being should also be considered. Comprehensive support is necessary to ensure students' holistic development amidst the ongoing challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.