International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 16-21
Procurement Syndicates in Small Scale Businesses in the UK, U.S., and Tanzanian Initiatives: Challenges, Recommendation, and Lessons Learned for the United Republic of Tanzania Environment Download PDF
JOHNSON Stephen Kemhe

This study investigates the procurement syndicates in small-scale businesses in the United Kingdom (UK), the United States (U.S.), and Tanzania. It aims to identify and analyze the challenges faced by these syndicates provide recommendations for overcoming these challenges, and extract valuable lessons that can be applied to improve the business environment in Tanzania. In the UK and the U.S. procurement syndicates have emerged as powerful tools for small-scale businesses to collectively negotiate advantageous terms with suppliers and buyers. These syndicates promote collaboration, and bargaining power, and facilitate access to quality goods and services. Nevertheless, they confront several challenges, including trust issues, complex regulatory issues, and the need for commitment. In Tanzania, there is a growing interest in implementing similar procurement syndicates to empower small-scale businesses. Initiatives have been launched to replicate the UK and U.S. models, but they face obstacles, such as limited awareness, insufficient infrastructure, and cultural attitudes and collaboration. To address these challenges of procurement syndicates in Tanzania, the recommendations are proposed, awareness and education, launching awareness campaigns and educational programs to inform small-scale businesses about the benefits of procurement syndicates and provide guidance on their management, legal issues, registration process, infrastructure development, and capacity building cost.