International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 40-50
Analysis of the Churn in mobile telecommunications companies and customer loyalty through targeted marketing: study of IT discriminant Download PDF

The subject of this work almost already gives the impression of knowing what it has in store for you in its outline, it slips by the mysterious word Churn which, is an English term designating the loss of customers or subscribers. Its equivalent French term is that of the attrition rate, to evoke the same phenomenon. Our analysis will be done in distinctive Churn, that is to say to talk about this phenomenon, not for all companies, but in relation to mobile telecommunication companies, giving some appropriate analysis techniques as well as customer loyalty strategies profile by profile through the granting of targeted marketing using computer discriminant (computer program allowing data analysis). Faced with the proliferation of offers and the precariousness of customers, operators must find effective loyalty strategies to maintain their customer base, and also have the tools to help implement these loyalty strategies. In this article, we will explore the importance of computer discriminant associated with one of the methods of analyzing the Churn in telecommunications companies, as well as customer relations. This is in order to understand the reasons that push customers to cancel their mobile subscription and to identify the actions to be taken to retain them. We will succeed by choosing a very particular case and implementing an application in C-sharp. That being said, it is not a question of doing a study on telecommunications companies, but rather of talking about the Churn and giving some possible solutions to companies in relation to the realities that push customers to leave them.