International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 60-63
Harnessing Solar Energy: The Growing Potential of Solar Power in Uzbekistan. Download PDF
opvoldiyev Nodirbek Abdulhamid o`g`li

This article provides an overview of the progress and developments in solar energy in Uzbekistan. It highlights the favorable government policies, international collaborations, and investments that have facilitated the growth of solar power in the country. The article discusses various aspects of solar energy, including utility-scale solar power plants, distributed solar systems, rural electrification, water desalination, heating and cooling applications, and industrial uses. It also emphasizes the importance of technological advancements, research and development, grid integration, energy storage, and public awareness. Furthermore, the article explores the economic opportunities, job creation, environmental benefits, and the country's commitment to carbon neutrality. Overall, it concludes that Uzbekistan's focus on solar energy is contributing to a sustainable and greener future while addressing energy challenges and promoting sustainable development.