International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 73-79
Design of 6-Dof Teleoperation-Based Surgical Robot Manipulator Controller Download PDF
Gitfirul Aziz Widiyanto, Sumardi.

Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a surgical method that allows surgeons to access body cavities through a single small incision in the patient's body. MIS has many advantages but requires skill and experience. The development of robotic technology allows surgeons to perform MIS with robot assistance and has been implemented in the medical world. This robot uses a teleoperation principle with a master-slave configuration. One of the problems that occurs in the robot's control with teleoperation, especially in the robot with high degrees of freedom, is the formulation of a mathematical equation from the base to the end effector and the calculation of position and orientation. This paper uses modified DH parameters to simplify robot kinematics and uses forward kinematics calculations with a homogeneous transformation matrix to obtain the position and orientation of the end effector. An exponential moving average filter with ?=0.25 was also implemented to reduce the noise. From the forward kinematics test, MAE in the XY field test has a value of 1.789 mm for the X axis and 2.326 mm for the Y axis, and MAE in the XZ field test has 1.743 mm value for the X axis and 1.467 mm for the Z axis.