International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 72-74
Self-Assessment Of Physical Fitness Based On Technology Download PDF
Fakhrur Rozy, Nooortje Anita Kumaat, Himawan Wismanadi, Dio Alif Airlangga Daulay

Physical fitness is the capacity of your body's systems to cooperate effectively, enabling you to maintain good health and carry out regular tasks. Being effective implies carrying out everyday tasks with the least amount of effort. A healthy individual has the capacity to complete their job at school and at home while still having the stamina to participate in sports and other leisure activities. A physically healthy individual can do everyday tasks like raking leaves at home, stocking shelves at a part-time job, and marching in the school band with ease. A fit individual may react to emergencies by sprinting for assistance or helping a buddy who is in need. Usually at school or on campus to measure physical fitness levels using the TKJI instrument. The main aim of this research is to analyze students' fitness levels, analyze the use of technology for self-assessment of physical fitness. The research included a total of 54 adolescents aged 16 to 18 years. Of which 15 were boys and 39 were girls in MA Bilingual Muslinat NU sidoarjo grade 12. Participants underwent an independent physical fitness test as part of school-based physical education. The test is adopted from the "TKJI" module which is assisted using several web and smartphone based applications. some of these applications include Stopwatch, FBI Fit Test, Map runner. Based on the results of data analysis, in general, the physical fitness level of 12th grade MA Bilingual Muslimat NU students is still low with average scor is 12.46. with details of 4% "very poor", 63% "poor", 29% "medium", 4% "good", and none "very good. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data that has been described, the following conclusions can be formulated. Firstly, the physical fitness level of MA Bilingual Muslimat NU Sidoarjo students for the 2020-2021 academic year is in the poor category. Second, using the application to measure physical fitness independently can be done with the help of tutorials in the form of videos and worksheets.