International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 265-272
Industrial Relations' Impact On Labor Management: A Nigerian Perspective Download PDF

The impact of industrial relations on efficient labor management in Nigeria is investigated in this study. Industrial relations describe the interaction between employers and employees inside an organization. It covers various topics, including working conditions, rules about the workplace, and resolving issues. The seamless operation of organizations and the general economic prosperity of a nation depend heavily on the efficient management of labor. The foundation of the investigation was the Unitarist Theory. Unitarist Theory's emphasis on collaboration and cooperation between management and employees makes it relevant to studying how industrial relations affect effective labor management in Nigeria. In Nigeria, where labor-management interactions are frequently marked by distrust and conflict, a unitarist approach can facilitate improved communication and collaboration between the two groups. Organizations may enhance labor-management procedures and foster a more positive work atmosphere by acknowledging management and employees' shared objectives and interests. According to the study, industrial relations in Nigeria have a beneficial impact on labor-management effectiveness. In the study's conclusion, industrial relations are critical in Nigeria's efficient labor management system, essential for preserving a peaceful and prosperous work environment. The interaction that exists in the workplace between employers, employees, and the government is referred to as industrial relations. According to the report, Nigeria's labor laws must be updated and reviewed to ensure they are fair, thorough, and compliant with international norms. This covers clauses about minimum pay, hours worked, workplace safety and health, and safeguards against wrongful termination. For Nigerian labor to be managed effectively, industrial relations are essential. They offer an organized framework for resolving conflicts at work, encouraging collaboration between employers and employees, and defending the rights of employees. Industrial relations promote stakeholder trust and cooperation, which drives productivity, work satisfaction, and overall economic development.