International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 77-80
Innovative Remote Irrigation Model- Hyperparameters for Decision Making Download PDF
Wissem Mnassri, Mr. Sami Hidouri, Dr. Mourad Henchiri, Mr. Aymen El-mokh

Many studies in Tunisia prove that the country recived already and still to recive clear effects over climatic changes. This impact are linked to the temperature raise ups and diminution of rains ..etc[1]. Agriculture is one of the sectors the most affected by the climatic change [1]. In this context, the climate change will have an impact on the vegetarian production due to the reduction of the quantities of water [1]. This research Ames to produce a model to be used to equilibrate the best minimum needed water quantities for irrigation.