International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 126-128
Incidence of Leukemia in Iraq: A Review Download PDF
Nadhim Kadhim Mahdi, M,Sc. and Ph.D., Mustafa Sadic Al-Ghazzawi

The incidence of leukemia among Iraqi population is reviewed from 2006-2021 in different Iraqi provinces. The incidence rates are also illustrated in relation to age, type of leukemia and year of registration. Incidence rate differs widely in relation to locality, age, sex and race. Many factors have been considered as Iraq exposed to the Iraq-Iran war, gulf war and the usage of uranium weapon in the south part of Iraq. In addition, oil wheel fire in gulf war in south of Basrah, as well as the pollution caused by cars and generators for electricity production that expected to have an effect on the increased cancer rate in Iraq. The highest incidence observed in acute lymphocytic leukemia while the lowest type was chronic myeloid leukemia. The most affected age was <15 years. Thus, epidemiological studies provide a better understanding about the incidence rates, risk factors and outcome of the disease.