International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 69-79
Incidence de la sortie de l'AES de la CEDEAO sur la libre circulation des personnes, des biens et des services en Afrique de l'Ouest Download PDF
Mohamed Lamine KABA

Hit hard by the rise of terrorist movements and the multiplication of sources of tension in the region, ECOWAS seems to have its work cut out for it to maintain its homeostasis on the political scene in West Africa. The exit of the AES constitutes both a thunderbolt for ECOWAS and the creation of a center of protest and self-determination of peoples, which makes the region a space of competition and confrontation between Russia of BRICS Alliance and NATO France. Using a sociometric approach, the author sociographs the possible impacts of this AES exit from the ECOWAS on the free movement of people, goods and services in West Africa. Thus adopting a diachronic and synchronic posture, it positions itself in the debate on the impact of the presence of two supranational institutions of regional integration in the same regional economic space, and which engage in severe adversity. The future of the community of destiny in West Africa is at stake.