International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 52-64
Productivity Performance of Employees in a McDonald's Fast-Food Chains in Olongapo City Download PDF
Lazaro, Mark Alvin V. DBA, Dela Cruz, Janine Cassandra V., Gomugda, Leisa Marie O., Puno, Angel Ann A.

This Fast-Food chain provides excellent service to the customers. The servers of the establishment are polite to the guests, greeting the guests with a smile on their faces, and being attentive to the needs and wants of the customers. They want to provide or meet the expectations of the customers so it will lead to success. The productivity performance of employees is a critical aspect of any organization, especially in the fast-food industry, where operational efficiency and customer satisfaction are paramount. Mostly this study determined the effects of the given factors on the working productivity performance of employees in selected fast-food chains. Descriptive research was used to cast light on current issues or problems through a process of data collection that enables them to describe the situation more completely than was possible without employing this method. In its essence, descriptive studies are used to describe various aspects of the phenomenon. In its popular format, descriptive research was used to describe the characteristics and/or behavior of the sample population. The questionnaires provided for the employees of selected fast-food chains determined the factors that can affect their working productivity performance. The researchers realized that proper training and management can be a big factor in having more customers.