International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 138-145
The Role of Ancient Art in Promoting Rites of Passage among Selected Ethnic Groups in Nigeria Download PDF
Kilba Zainab Uche

Nigeria is a country rich with ancient arts and artistic expressions, which constitute its cultural heritage. Despite recent interest in Nigerian cultural heritage, one of the aspects of Nigerian culture that has been less explored is how ancient arts promote the rites of passage among ethnic groups in Nigeria. This paper aims to examine this relationship by highlighting the role of ancient arts in promoting the rites of passage among selected ethnic groups in Nigeria drawn from the country's three major ethnic groups namely; the Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa. The paper follows culture transition theory and examines the symbolism, meaning and function of these art forms, such as masks, sculptures, and body adornments. Further, some intangible aspects of the traditions were explored such as childbirth, marital rites, burial rites, healing, etc. It discusses how these art forms reflect the social and religious values of the Nigerian people particularly in relation to rites of passage . The paper concludes by highlighting the significance and relevance of these ancient arts in contemporary Nigerian society.