International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 170-177
Symbolization Of The Kuru - Pandawa Genalogy And Its Implications For Human Consciousness Download PDF
I Ketut Darma; I Nyoman Subagia; I Gede Suwantana

The Mahabharata has an important role in shaping human understanding of existence, spirituality, and the relationship between the universe and human life. In this text, the Kurus-Pandawa genealogy is one of the central elements that reflects Javanese philosophical and cosmological values. However, a deeper understanding of this genealogical symbolization and its implications for human consciousness still requires deeper research. This article uses a qualitative analysis approach to primary sources in the Mahabharata text. Through text studies and symbolic interpretation, this research seeks to reveal the philosophical meaning contained in the Kurus-Pandawa genealogy and how it can influence human consciousness. Analysis shows that the symbolism of the Kurus-Pandawa genealogy reflects duality, conflict and the spiritual journey of humans. Kurus and Pandawa symbolize good and bad, as well as the ever-changing dynamics of human life. The implication of understanding this genealogy for human consciousness is an increase in awareness of the individual's spiritual journey, relationship with the universe, and moral responsibility in living life. Understanding the symbolism of the Kurus-Pandawa genealogy has the potential to enrich human understanding of existence and spirituality. By exploring the philosophical meaning hidden within it, human consciousness can be expanded and realize its important role in living a meaningful and responsible life in a cosmic context.