International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 30-47
Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Relations among Government Aided Projects in Uganda: A Case Study of Karuma Dam Project Download PDF
Twesigye Nduhura Baguma James , Elizabeth Karoya , Rose Nalusiba Flora Nyiraguhirwa , Agnes Nassiwa

The study examined the contribution of corporate social responsibility and on community relations among government aided projects in Uganda. It focused on a case study of Karuma dam project as a case study. It was guided by three objectives: i) To examine the effect of charitable CSR activities on Karuma dam project, ii) To assess the effect of environmental CSR relations at Karuma dam project, iii) To examine the effect of ethical CSR activities on community relations at Karuma dam project. The study adopted a phenomenological design divided in section of research approach, research strategy, research duration and the research classification. The study population was 135 and a sample size of 129 respondents of which only 101 participated. The findings showed that the Adjusted R square is .710 which is an indication that 71.0% of the changes that do occur in community relations are due to changes in corporate social responsibility. The test also revealed that Karuma dam's CSR activities have a positive relationship with community relations and as such the null hypothesis was rejected. In conclusion, the study notes that the most frequent CSR activities among the Karuma dam hydro power plant are ethical CSR followed by charitable CSR and that that improving CSR activities can maintain project sustainability through improved community relations. The study recommended, there is need for Karuma dam to conduct further research into perception of wider stakeholders groups in terms of both internal and external factors regarding their perception of CSR activities rather than only focusing on effects of CSR dimensions.