International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 104-117
Working Conditions, Job Stress and Job Performance of Employees in Public Universities of Uganda Download PDF
Baguma James , Elizabeth Karoya , Rose Nalusiba Flora Nyiraguhirwa , Agnes Nassiwa Twesigye Nduhura

This study was about working conditions, job stress and job performance of Employees at Makerere University. The study was guided by specific objectives which include; i). To determine the causes of job stress amongst academic employees at Makerere University ii). To establish the implications of job stress on academic performance among academic employees at Makerere University. iii). To determine the extent to which that job stress contributes to job dissatisfaction among academic employees at Makerere University. iv). To determine the extent to which job stress affects the personal lives of female academic employees at Makerere University. A sample of 80 respondents were selected for having relevant information regarding Working Conditions, Job Stress and Job Performance of Employees. The findings showed that time allocated to the job, workload and health and the nature of workload affect motivation, which adversely affects the academic's performance. The findings also show that causes of job stress within the limits of this study include time required to complete a task; academics' use of personal time; heavy workload requirements; stress from co-workers, sub-ordinates and supervisors and gender stereotypes. Furthermore, the complex nature of the academic job description contributes to job dissatisfaction and in turn creates willingness for the female academics to seek a review of their workload. Irrespective of that, findings show that these female academics rarely want to either resign or leave their jobs. The findings of the study also revealed that domestic roles affect female academics either positively or negatively. The study also showed that the working conditions have negative impact because they de-motivate or increase stress levels of employees towards work and hence productivity is compromised. The study recommended that the employers should put in place employee assistance programs to help the stressed employees air out views on causes of stress to be rectified. Employees should also report any stress casing situations within their areas of work so as to combat stress and improve on their productivity. Employers should hold frequent workshops and seminars for employees to be taught causes of workplace stress and possible coping strategies to be used during any stressful situations.