International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 32-38
The Role of Educational Institutions and Their Efforts in Countering Extremism and Intellectual Terrorism. Download PDF
Saad A . Al - Saadi , Iraq

Intellectual terrorism is a type of terrorism focused on the use of extremist and militant ideas and opinions to achieve political, religious or social goals. These extreme and violent ideas are promoted by influencing the minds of individuals, and encouraging them to commit violent acts, or terrorize others. "Terrorism has become an inherent pillar in the concerns of states, both their internal and foreign policies, and it has become a cause of fear of nations, and it has become a pretext for domination and control to an equal extent, even the (war on terrorism) led by the United States was one of the most prominent arguments invoked to enter Iraq, and researchers believe that terrorism has become a phenomenon of the twentieth century in every excellence.]1[ Intellectual terrorism aims to achieve a lasting and profound impact on societies, cultures and countries by distorting and distorting sound ideas and beliefs. It targets mentally weak individuals or suffering from emotional or social instability, tries to convince them of the ideas of extremism, hatred and violence as a way to achieve its goals. Combating intellectual terrorism is a great challenge, as it requires countering extremist ideas and dealing with the roots of the problem. This includes focusing on education and awareness of the values of tolerance, mutual respect and peaceful coexistence between different communities, and this is what educational institutions should do, because of their academic scientific potential that has the ability to spread the values of tolerance, and reduce extremist ideas among students, and society. This also includes encouraging dialogue and open debate, providing economic and social opportunities for all, and building a common vision based on citizenship, justice and democracy.