International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 39-42
Exploring Gender-Inclusive Pedagogical Strategies in Mathematics Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

Gender-inclusive pedagogies in mathematics address the unique challenges faced by different genders, aiming to cultivate an inclusive learning environment that values diverse experiences and fosters learners' success in mathematics. This study employed a systematic review in exploring the existing research articles on gender-inclusive teaching methods in mathematics education. Results revealed four (4) emerging themes on gender-inclusive pedagogical strategies in mathematics namely; (1) Unmasking Gender Biases and Stereotypes in Textbooks; (2) Language Choices and Equity in the Classroom; (3) Dismantling Bias Through Diverse Role Models; and (4) Promoting Equitable Distribution of Opportunities. This review emphasizes the significance of gender-inclusive teaching methods in mathematics. By actively dismantling stereotypes through diverse representation and ensuring equal opportunities, mathematics educators cultivate a supportive learning environment that fosters mathematical success for all genders. Furthermore, incorporating various teaching approaches tailored to individual learning styles and age groups empowers students to effectively engage and excel in mathematics leading to a more inclusive and equitable mathematics education experience.