International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 18-22
Management Of Financial Institutions, Performance Appraisal Management And Financial Performance Of Financial Institutions. An Empirical Evidence Of Centenary Bank, Kampala Branch Download PDF
Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara

Effective management of human capital resources and standardized operating procedures are imperative prerequisites for any financial institution to attain optimal productivity levels, cost efficiency and profitability goals essential for long-term competitiveness within the dynamic banking industry landscape. Against this backdrop, this empirical study rigorously investigated the influence of performance appraisal systems on financial outputs realized at Centenary Bank's Kampala Branch, one of the largest transactional service hubs, from 2017 to 2021 through a mixed methods sequential research design. Both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques encompassing archival records audits, electronic staff surveys and in-depth interviews generated insightful findings into the interrelationships between performance management frameworks, productivity indicators and key profitability metrics over the five-year assessment period. Overall, results deduced that while commendable progress has been made in digitizing services and client base expansion, deficiencies persist in competency development alignment to roles, equitable incentive structuring and consistent implementation of standardized appraisal procedures negatively impacting transaction throughput levels and profit targets attainment. Approximately 37.7% of the variance in financial performance is explained by its relationship with management as denoted by the R square value of 0.377. Examining the coefficients table revealed that after controlling for management of financial institutions, the constant value was 1.4455, suggesting the expected financial performance when the predictor was zero. These findings hold significant implications for pragmatic reforms through evidence-based solutions geared toward optimized efficiency, cost management and sustained achievement of strategic objectives essential to bolster the branch network's contribution to Centenary Bank's mission as the premier financial solutions provider.