International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 28-32
Checking Volt-Ampere Characteristics Of Ultrasonic Sensor For Analog And Digital Control In Electronics Engineering Download PDF
Makhsudov Mokhirbek and Xalimjanov Abduqunduz Rahmjanovich

The article deals with the study of ultrasonic sensors for parameters of the device for ionization water softening, automatic control and regulation of quality indicators using sensors. As a result of the experiments, it was revealed that a change in the voltage of the sensors is observed with a change in the ultrasonic sensors of the parameters. The sensor allows you to control the sensor through a microprocessor, by programming the signals from the sensors; you can control and monitor the capacitive parameters of the water softener and automatic process control. The content of salts in natural waters can be judged by the amount of dry residue and weight loss during ignition. The dry residue resulting from the evaporation of a certain volume of water, previously filtered through a paper filter, consists of mineral salts and non-volatile organic compounds. The amount of organic compounds in the dry residue of water is determined, but the loss of its mass on ignition. A large amount of salts dissolved in the will impairs the taste of water, as a result of which it can acquire a salty, bitter, sweet and sour taste, as well as various flavors. Non-carbonate hardness is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium salts of sulfuric, hydrochloric and nitric acids and is not eliminated during boiling. Although Mg2 + and Ca2 + ions do not bring any particular harm to living organisms, their presence in water in large quantities is undesirable, since such water is unsuitable for household needs. In hard water, soap consumption increases when washing clothes, meat and vegetables slowly boil down. Hard water is also unsuitable for recycling water supply systems, for powering steam boilers, etc.