International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 33-35
A critical review of literature on financial literacy and profitability of private enterprises in Uganda; A case study of Equity bank Kabale branch Download PDF
Akankwasa Alex, Teddy Akakikunda, Caroline Masiko Murezi

The practice of efficiently and effectively managing an organization's finances in a way that will support management in achieving its goals is known as financial management. Because of this, it is crucial for managing the company's present assets and liabilities, which means that the organization is immediately impacted by its profitability. Therefore, using Equity Bank Kabale Branch as a case study, the study attempted to explore the impact of financial management methods on the profitability of private firms. The study had significant value for the chosen firm, Equity Bank Kabale Branch, and other financial institutions seeking to build profitable financial management procedures and discover more avenues for enhancing the profitability of private enterprises. The ideal outcome of sound financial management is significant earnings. Other academics who were interested in the issue being studied found the study beneficial because it provided a framework for future research on the topic. According to the study's findings, putting in place an effective cash management system guaranteed improved control over financial risk and raised the possibility of making money.