International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 36-40
Comparative Analysis of Slums in Selected Cities of Osun State. Download PDF
Adegbike Bashiru Adebisi& Akinloye Kehinde Francis

The slum that were formed across Nigeria were not the same, they differ not only in origin but also in the physical outlook, size, characteristics and many more important level of deprivation. Also, improved water sanitation, sufficient living space, durable housing and secured tenure are used to identify and measure slum. All this ascertains on slum and associated parameters are expected to the subjected to assessment at a regular interval since slumification is a continuous process. It is on this note that this paper focuses on comparatives analysis of slum in three selected cities. A total of 300 questionnaires were drawn from slum residents and city planners. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The research work reveals the precarious situation of shelter, safe water situation, sanitation and living space. Using empirical and physical evidences. The picture is crystal clear that the slum areas in the cities show relationship not differences. Hence, the need for better accessibility to improved housing, safe water, tenure security, better infrastructures, urban services as well as provision of income generating activities for slum residents and environmental management was suggested to ameliorate the appalling condition of the slum dwellers in the cities