International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 41-48
Modeling The Factors That Influence The Interest In Revisiting Surabaya Mangrove Botanical Garden Based On Structural Equation Modeling With A Partial Least Square Approach Download PDF
Nafisa , Ardi Kurniawan, Elly Ana

Tourism is an asset owned by several countries and has the potential to be utilized and developed. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. Therefore, it can be a huge potential to develop the tourism industry, one of which is in the coastal area, namely the Surabaya Mangrove Botanical Garden. In connection with the many activities that can be done at the Surabaya Mangrove Botanical Garden, tourists who come must have their own perceptions and preferences regarding several factors such as supporting facilities, service quality, and other factors provided at the Mangrove Botanical Garden. Therefore, this research was conducted to analyze several factors at the Surabaya Mangrove Botanical Garden that can be used to increase tourist satisfaction and interest in revisiting based on the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The data collection technique used purposive sampling and the sample used was 297 Surabaya Mangrove Botanical Garden tourist respondents. The results of the overall value of the model obtained by the Goodness of Fit Index (GOF) method are 0.813, which means that the GoF ? 0,36, the model has a high ability to explain the data so that overall, it can be said that the model formed is valid. The results of the study indicate that the variables have a significant effect on tourist satisfaction in influencing the interest in revisiting are the variables of facilities, services, tourism image, and costs at the Surabaya Mangrove Botanical Garden.