International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 138-144
Strategic Foresight in Mathematics Education: A Post-COVID Integrative Assessment Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

The COVID-19 pandemic's profound disruption, particularly in education, highlights the critical need for strategic foresight in reshaping post-pandemic mathematics education to address unique challenges and opportunities brought about by widespread school closures and remote learning. This research utilized an integrative review to assess a range of studies concerning strategic foresight in mathematics during the post-COVID period. Findings revealed ten (10) emerging themes on strategic foresight in mathematics education in the post-COVID era, namely; (1) Digital Transformation and Technological Integration; (2) Flexible and Adaptive Curriculum Design; (3 Equity and Inclusion in Mathematics Education; (4) Teacher Professional Development and Support; (5) Collaborative Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement; (6) Resilience and Future-Proofing Strategies; (7) Global Perspectives and Cross-Cultural Competence; (8) Interdisciplinary Connections and Real-World Applications; (9) Data-Informed Decision-Making and Evidence-Based Practices; and (10) Environmental Sustainability and Mathematical Modeling. The integrative assessment of strategic foresight in post-COVID mathematics education reveals a multifaceted landscape marked by digital transformation, flexible curriculum design, equity focus, enhanced teacher development, collaboration, resilience strategies, global perspectives, interdisciplinary connections, data-driven decisions, and environmental sustainability. These themes highlight the dynamic nature of post-pandemic mathematics education, emphasizing the need for strategic planning. Recommendations include investing in technology and professional development, prioritizing flexible curriculum design, promoting equity and inclusion, and enhancing teacher support. Additionally, fostering collaboration, resilience, global perspectives, and environmental sustainability is crucial for creating a resilient, equitable, and sustainable mathematics education ecosystem for future generations.