International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 145-150
Quantum Teaching Learning Model To Improve Students' Activities And Learning Outcomes In Chapter 4 Changing Form Of Energy Class Iv Sdn Sidodadi 01 Tempurejo District Jember Regency Download PDF
Pungky Guruh Maulana ^, Agustiningsih ^, Kendid Mahmudi ^

This research was motivated by the many complaints from teachers regarding the learning activities that students must achieve in each subject that uses the independent curriculum. The aim of this research is to improve the learning activities and learning outcomes of students through the application of the Quantum Teaching model for class IV students in Chapter 4 Changing Forms of Energy. This type of research is Classroom Action Research or PTK. The subjects of this research were all fourth grade students at SDN Sidodadi 01 Jember district. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews and tests. The results obtained in using the Quantum Teaching model are very satisfying, where learning becomes effective and makes students active. The results obtained in this research are the average classical scores of class IV students at SDN Sidodadi 01 Jember in each cycle. The first cycle, namely Student Activities, cycle I had a score of 63.25%, then in cycle II, Student Activities had a score of 77.5. Cycle II obtained the results of class IV learning activities in cycle II, there were two qualifications with the same number of students, namely 10 students or 50% of the 20 students with very good qualifications. Furthermore, there are 6 or 30% of the 20 students with sufficient qualifications. In terms of qualifications, there is 1 student or 5% of 20 students. Finally, of the 20 students, 1 student or 5% received very poor qualifications. Continuing to calculate the average overall score in cycle II using the Quantum Teaching model, the average score was 77.5. This score has sufficiently met the target, namely ?75. So the results of cycle II have increased from cycle I to cycle II at SDN Sidodadi 01 Jember.