International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 256-260
Testicular ischemia secondary to inguino-scrotal hernia Download PDF
cheikh saad bouh KHATRATY¹, Mohameden EYA¹ , Maaouiya EL KHALIL¹, Mohamed el Emin Taleb Maouloud ², Mustapha Ahsaini¹, Soufiane Mellas¹, Jalal Eddine EL Ammari¹, Mohammed Fadl Tazi¹, Mohammed Jamal Fassi¹, Moulay Hassan Farih¹, Omar marghich² , Benjellou

Inguino-scrotal hernia is a very common pathology, defined as the temporary or permanent spontaneous exit of abdominal viscera through the inguinal orifice, outside the limits of the abdomino-pelvic region. Hernial strangulation is the main complication of this pathology, and constitutes a genuine diagnostic and therapeutic emergency due to the risk of intestinal or gonadal necrosis. The term "hernia strangulation" refers to the sudden, permanent and tight constriction of the organs contained in the hernia sac (intestine, omentum, bladder horn, etc.) due to a narrow, inextensible and constricted orifice. It may complicate or reveal a hernia. Cold surgical treatment of any uncomplicated hernia as a preventive measure can avoid complications that can be serious or even fatal, hence the importance of raising public awareness and providing information.