International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 10-13
Physical and Psychological Well-being of Higher Education Students in Mathematics Context Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

While excelling in tertiary mathematics offers significant academic satisfaction, the inherent rigor of the subject can also induce substantial student stress and anxiety, potentially impacting not only academic achievement but also overall well-being. This scoping review explores the existing body of research by investigating how the demands of learning mathematics in higher education influence students' physical and psychological well-being. Results revealed three (3) emerging themes on physical well-being, namely; (1) Sedentary Lifestyle and Its Impact; (2) Stress and Its Physiological Effects; and (3) Sleep Quality and Academic Performance. Then, another three (3) emerging themes on psychological well-being, such as; (1) Academic Pressure and Mental Well-being; (2) Impostor Syndrome and Self-Esteem Issues; and (3) Social Isolation and Loneliness. This study highlights the need to create programs to promote students' holistic well-being beyond academic achievement in mathematics. Colleges and universities may explore interventions promoting physical activity, stress management, and social connection within the mathematics learning environment.