International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 14-20
Success Initiatives of Mathematics Educators as Inspired by Taylor Swift's Commencement Address at New York University Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

The landscape of mathematics education is shifting towards fostering positive student mindsets and resilience, highlighting the influence of math anxiety and negative self-beliefs on academic achievement. Despite existing research emphasizing these challenges, there is a call to investigate successful initiatives utilized by educators and recognize the importance of embracing learning from errors. Taylor Swift, in her commencement speech at New York University, promotes the idea of a "catch and release" method, urging educators in mathematics education to release negativity, welcome fresh prospects, and cultivate growth mindsets in educational settings. This study explored and analyzed Taylor Swift's Commencement Address at New York University via discourse analysis. Findings revealed five (5) emerging themes, namely; (1) The Power of Support and Gratitude; (2) Embracing Life's Imperfections; (3) Passion and Persistence in Pursuit of Dreams; (4) Adapting to Change and Taking Ownership; and (5) Finding Strength in Resilience. An emerging framework was also crafted based on the intersectionality of the five (5) key themes. Successful mathematics educators create supportive environments that embrace mistakes and ignite a passion for learning. This not only fosters their professional growth but equips students with essential skills to thrive in an ever-changing world. The study recommends building a support network, creating a safe learning space for mistakes, finding and sharing passion for math, embracing new ideas, and developing resilience.