International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 32-39
Revitalizing Agriculture: Bridging the Youth Perception Gap in Arusha, Tanzania Download PDF
Saitot Kelvin Joel (MBA)

This study investigates the perceptions, attitudes, and motivations of youth towards agriculture in Arusha, Tanzania, with a focus on bridging the perception gap and revitalizing agricultural engagement. Through a combination of qualitative interviews and surveys conducted in various neighborhoods of Arusha, including Ngaramtoni, Sekei, Ngarenaro, Nduruma, Maji Ya Chai, Tengeru, USA River, Nguleo, Moshono, and Njiro, data was collected from youth participants. Findings reveal a diverse range of perceptions, attitudes, and motivations towards agriculture among the youth population. While some express enthusiasm and interest in agricultural activities, others perceive agriculture as labor-intensive and lacking in profitability compared to urban professions. Barriers to youth involvement in agriculture include limited access to land, finance, and markets, as well as socio-cultural norms favoring urban employment. Education, socio-economic factors, and access to resources significantly influence youth engagement in agriculture, with higher levels of education associated with increased awareness and interest in modern agricultural practices. The study also identifies innovative approaches and interventions, including youth-led initiatives and multi-stakeholder partnerships, to promote youth participation in agriculture. Evidence-based recommendations are provided for policymakers, agricultural stakeholders, and development practitioners to address the youth perception gap and enhance agricultural sustainability in Arusha, Tanzania.