International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 235-247
Adoption of Digital Revolution in Government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) In Uganda; Reflection on Uganda Revenue Authority Digital Strategy Integration Approach towards Enhanced Tax Revenue in Post Covid-19 Pandemic Download PDF
Turyatemba Christopher and Benson Turyasingura

The digital revolution has transformed the modes of operation and service delivery across both private and public sectors worldwide. As government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in developing countries like Uganda grapple with adopting and leveraging digital technologies to improve efficiency and effectively discharge their mandates, this abstract seeks to reflect on Uganda Revenue Authority's (URA) approach to integrating a digital strategy and its potential to enhance tax revenue collection in the post Covid-19 pandemic period. Through the implementation of ambitious initiatives like the Domestic Revenue Mobilization project, URA has made great strides in migrating taxpayers and customs processes to digital platforms. However, complete adoption remains challenging due to infrastructural and technical resource constraints common in developing nations. This abstract evaluates URA's phased approach to digital transformation which prioritizes enhancing digital and network coverage while pursuing internal digitization of core functions before full public integration. It is argued that if well executed and supported with sustained stakeholder buy-in, URA's strategy offers a suitable model for Uganda's MDAs seeking to reap benefits of the fourth industrial revolution whilst overcoming prevailing socioeconomic barriers to technology uptake in a developing country context. Ultimately, leveraging digital tools strategically could help boost Uganda's tax collection at a time when resources for development financing face unprecedented stress due to the pandemic's fiscal impacts. There should be the upgrade ICT infrastructure across MDAs to enable digitalization of processes. Reliable high-speed internet connectivity needs to be established in both urban and rural areas. Data canters need to be expanded with robust cybersecurity. Hardware and software platforms require consistent upgrades. Substantial investments are needed over the medium term to build a robust digital backbone.