International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 20-23
Complexity of Understanding the Style and Symbolism in NguiWathiongo's Novels (With Reference to weep not, child) Download PDF
Magzoub Alsaid Ahmed Mohammad, Elsadig Elmamoun Elshafie , Malikat Aldar Eissa Albakheet Abudalgader, Mohammed Al Hassan Almadani Alfaki

The present study was conducted in Shikan locality during the period 2018-2020. The objective of study was to investigate the complexity of understanding of the style and symbolism in Ngugi Wathiongo's novel with reference to Weep not Child and the significance of the style and symbolism to improve English language to learning. Descriptive analytical method was used in the study. The data were collected by using questionnaire using simple random sample were 92 teachers were selected from 250 teachers of English language in the locality. The data were analyzed by SPSS) program version -20. The results showed that Ngugi Wathngiogo's is one of the most writers reflect the culture of African literature. There were 66.3% of the respondents indicated that Ngugi style creates a sense of formality befitting a historical narrative were t value was 23.354 with 0.002 significance. There were 68.5% of the respondents agreed that Ngugi Wathiongo uses a lot of proverbs in the novel were t value was 28.012 with 0.001 significance. It was recorded that 62 % of the respondents agreed that the writer uses simple verbs with the little variation and t value was 17.176 with 0.003 significance. There were 60.9% of the respondents agreed that Ngugi Watching uses a lot of local words in the novel were t value was 14.203 with 0.003 significance. There were 63 % of the respondents agreed that Naugi's writing is very harmonious were t value was 17.731 with 0.000 significance. It was recorded that 68.5 % agreed that Naugi's writing make readers see the history of his own people were t value was 31.230 with 0.000 significance. There were 67.4 % of the respondents agreed that Naugi's writing inspires his people to fight the colonialism were t value was 26.028 with 0.000 significance. There were 59.8 % of the respondents agreed that Naugi's strategies of writing makes readers sympathies with the culture were t value was 13.571 with 0.003 significance. It was concluded that Nagugi style creates a sense of formality befitting a historical narrative; he uses a lot of proverbs in the novel, simple verbs with the little variation and a lot of local words. It was also concluded that Naugi's writing is very harmonious, make readers see the history of his own people, inspires his people to fight the colonialism and his strategies of writing makes readers sympathies with the culture. It is recommended that Ngugi Wathiongo's style and symbolism in his novel should be clarified to reflect the culture, custom and values of African community.