International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 36-45
Stakeholders' Collaboration and Fire Disaster Management in Anambra State, Nigeria Download PDF
Martin O. Agbili and Prof. Emma I. Okoye

The purpose of the research was to analyze how different parties in Anambra state, Nigeria, worked together to handle fire catastrophes. A combination of the difficulty of the job and the inadequacies of government officials in handling the situation necessitated this investigation. The purpose of this research was to examine potential links between various stakeholder engagement and fire disaster prevention and mitigation in Anambra state, Nigeria. Further objectives of the research included analyzing fire emergency response in Anambra state, Nigeria, and the nature of the interaction between governmental and non-governmental players' partnerships. The aims of the study informed the development and testing of three hypotheses and research questions. The research included both theoretical and empirical works that were relevant to the topic. Icek Ajzen's 1991 theory of planned conduct served as the foundation for the investigation. The research strategy for the study was a descriptive survey. To collect the main data, the research used a structured questionnaire. Score averages, frequency distributions, and tables displayed the data. With a mean score of 3.0, the decision rule established acceptance conditions for all statements. We refused all of the material below. We used a 0.05 significance level for the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient to test our hypothesis. The study's findings indicate a strong correlation between the participation of several stakeholders and the prevention and mitigation of fire disasters in Anambra state, Nigeria. Furthermore, it was discovered that there exists a substantial correlation between the cooperative efforts of governmental and nonprofit parties and the effectiveness of fire emergency response in Anambra state, Nigeria, among other factors. The study's recommendations include the need for the government to develop suitable policy frameworks to coordinate fire disaster prevention efforts and impose appropriate penalties on those who violate them. Additionally, it is suggested that the government and organized civil society establish a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance collaboration and improve the management of responses to fire emergencies and disasters.