International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 17-22
Public sector Leadership and citizen satisfaction of Kabale Local Government, Kabale District. Empirical evidence of Kabale Municipality Download PDF
Ntirandekura Moses, Musiimenta Nancy

Effective local leadership and responsive governance are imperative for Kabale Local Government to deliver quality public services and impact citizen welfare. However, deficiencies persist in aligning administrative functions, equitable resource distribution and addressing community needs. Against this backdrop, this study evaluated leadership practices, service provision and satisfaction levels between 2015-2020 through a mixed methods approach. Sequentially applied quantitative and qualitative data collection involved reviewing documents, analyzing financial records and project reports, auditing 20 facilities, surveying 384 households and interviewing 60 officials and residents. Descriptive analyses of variables as well as correlations and regressions utilizing SPSS/STATA software detected relationships between leadership performance metrics and outcome indicators. Therefore, results indicate that while notable reforms initiated transparent budgeting and participation, overreliance on central transfers, rapid population growth and capacity constraints compromised optimal basic infrastructure and amenities provision especially in rural areas. Facilities faced supply stockouts, inadequate staffing while geographic imbalances and unaddressed grievances decreased satisfaction. Citizen satisfaction demonstrated an extremely strong positive correlation (r = 0.771) with technology evolution. With a significance value of 0.000, which was lower than the critical alpha level of 0.01, this correlation was deemed highly statistically significant. Key recommendations focus on streamlining coordination, bolstering technical skills, mobilizing alternative revenues, inclusive community prioritization dialogues and targeted expansion of classrooms, water points and feeder roads using geographic information system mapping to remedy disparities. Sustained implementation of evidence-based actions holds promise to optimize resource use, accelerate equitable access advancement and boost citizen welfare within Kabale District.